I am currently a visiting scholar at Western University in London, Canada with dr George Gadanidis’ research group. His research group focuses on Artificial Intelligence and Computational Thinking in Mathematics. I have also participated in meetings where we discussed our research field. One lesson learnt is that the Ontario mathematics curriculum has included Computational Thinking into the subject of algebra, and one of the main teaching resources used in schools is emphasising how coding can be a tool to learn mathematics.
Last week I learnt more about this teaching resource, and how it is implemented in the teahing and learning of mathematics in the schools. I was invited into a 3 grade mathematics lesson, together with dr. George Gadanidis, where his team works with the teachers in implemetning the teaching resource he has been editing. You can find the link to the online resource at: learnx.ca. It was fun to see the enthusiasm and interest of the pupils throughout the lesson.

I have also participated and presented my work at the Critical T(h)inkering: STEAM for young children conference organiced by Ontario Tech University and hosted by dr. Janette Huges and dr. Deborah Doherty. Even though the conference was held online, it was interesting to get a glance of the work that are done in Ontario to include STEAM into education.
I am really happy that I have been given this opportunity to expand and learn more about how the programming environment can benefit in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Hopefully, my visit will lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the field, and good reflections that I can bring home to Norway and to my research.