Klippe, klipp, klippe: Kjønnsarbeidsdeling på frammarsj

Ingun Grimstad Klepp


I Norge er det stor enighet om at en endring mot et mer likestilt samfunn er ønskelig. I forskningen kan et slikt ønske om endringer være et problem, fordi det som burde ha skjedd, kan stå i veien for å se hva som har skjedd. Denne artikkelen skal handle om hvordan dette ønsket og forestillingen om endring kan være til hinder for å få frem materiale som viser noe annet.

Klikk her for å lese hele artikkelen (ojs.novus.no).

English abstract

It is a widespread conception that we are heading towards a society in which men and women share work and responsibilities more equally. Such notions of change that point in one direction, can obstruct seeing what is really happening. This article is based on questionnaire material. Studies were carried out to answer the question: Are there areas within household work where gender work sharing is increasing? The answer to this is yes. In this material, men have been more active in purchasing and manufacturing clothes and textiles, and in different kinds of household work in areas defined as ”outside” in the period before 1950. The discourse in the article concerns why this can be difficult to see, and why the material offers a less comprehensive answer to the question than desirable.

The full article is only available in Norwegian.