Comparing Male and Female Wardrobes: Gender Dynamics in the Practice of Dressing

Authors: Vilde Haugrønning, Ingrid Haugsrud


This chapter explores the influence of gender on clothing consumption and the impact on differences in clothing volumes between men and women. Based on a qualitative and quantitative wardrobe study, we employ Schatzki’s (2002) social ontology of practice combined with Butler’s (1990) gender performance concept to examine the relationship between gender and clothing consumption in 15 households in Norway. The findings show that women had on average 497 items and the men had 258 items, and the main difference between male and female wardrobes was due to the number of items per occasion. These findings highlights the complexities and tensions faced by women in navigating clothing norms and maintaining a balance in the practice of dressing between appropriate dress, feminine expressions and having an ideal and more sustainable wardrobe. This chapter contributes to a better understanding of the interplay between occasions and gender dynamics that shape clothing consumption patterns. Moreover, it illustrates the potential of ‘occasion’ as an analytical concept and the implications of gender in clothing consumption, challenging the prevailing studies on clothing and fashion that often overlook the nuanced practices and actions that influence clothing volumes.

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Besøk fra Designskolen i Kolding

Det ble et smørblidt besøk fra Designskolen i Kolding (DK) på SIFO en forsommer ettermiddag med tid til litt sightseeing og sosialt samvær i Oslos forskjellige nabolag.

Besøket var lenge planlagt for å få rom til en ordentlig diskusjon omkring hvordan de to institusjoner kan samarbeide om felles søknader og prosjekter. Møtet handlet først og fremst om å få en god oversikt over de to institusjonenes pågående aktiviteter, særlig på prosjektsiden og også handlingsrommet for internasjonalt eller europeisk samarbeid.

Vi har overlappende interesser og kompetanse, selv om SIFO står støtt på forbruksforskning og DK på design, er vi begge opptatte av garderobestudier, klespraksiser og sammenhengen mellom det materielle og det sosiale. Vi har også overlapp i personale, med Kate Fletcher og Irene Maldini engasjert på begge institusjoner og PhD kandidaten Iryna Kuchers utvekslingsopphold på SIFO.

Diskusjonene handlet både om finansieringskilder, overlappende faglige interesser – og mulige konflikter. Diskusjonen rundt det som stadig gjentas av EUs byråkrater at 80 prosent av produkters miljøavtrykk avgjøres i designfasen, ble både interessant og oppklarende, da det er tydelig at DK ønsker å bevege seg bort fra ren produktdesign og mot mer systemendringer som fokuserer mye mer på å løse samfunnsoppgaver eller reelle behov, enn å ‘pushe produkter’.

Diskusjonen dreide derfor også mot EUs tekstilstrategi og handlingsrommet her.

DK var ellers opptatt av formidling, og ikke minst hvor vellykket SIFOs Klesforskning har vært på dette området – med å tilgjengeliggjøre og spre forskning, høringsuttalelser og andre innspill. De ønsket å vite mer om hvordan dette brukes i sosiale medier, fleksibiliteten nettsidene gir og ikke minst hvordan å faktisk få oppmerksomhet.

Det ble også snakket mye om optimisme eller håp for fremtiden, og hvordan det tenkes rundt dette, og ikke minst hva som motiverer for å fortsette arbeidet med tekstiler og bærekraft.

Vi gleder oss til videre samtaler!

På bildet øverst, fra venstre: Vibeke Riisberg, Kirsi Laitala, Ulla Ræbild, Lisbeth Løvbak Berg, Ingun Grimstad Klepp, Tone S. Tobiasson, Vilde Rydal Haugrønning, Ingrid Haugsrud, Anna Schytte Sigaard og Iryna Kucher.

Wool you wear it? – woollen garments in Norway and the United Kingdom

Marie Hebrok, Ingun G. Klepp & Joanne Turney


This article was developed from the project ‘Valuing Norwegian Wool’ initiated by the Norwegian National Institute for Consumer Research to generate knowledge on how wool can contribute to sustainable textile consumption, and how value creation can be increased in the Norwegian wool industry. The article will compare consumer perceptions, attitudes, practices and knowledge concerning wool as a material and as garments in Norway and in the United Kingdom, through a case study of wardrobes owned by six middle-class families.

The aim is to generate knowledge about the diverse web of aspects that influence consumption of woollen garments. The wardrobe study as a method aims to include the materiality of garments in clothes research in a more direct way. Analysing the materiality in connection with the social and cultural aspects of clothes gives us a better understanding of the relations between materiality and practice.

Click here to read the full article (

Valuing Norwegian Wool

Marie Hebrok, Ingun Grimstad Klepp, Tone S. Tobiasson, Kirsi Laitala, Marit Vestvik & Madeline Buck


Wool has been called the white gold and has warmed and brought joy to the Norwegian population throughout history. It is also a textile fibre with many unused features. The starting point of the project Valuing Norwegian Wool is a desire to help Norwegian agriculture, wool based industry, and design to exploit the potential inherent in Norwegian wool as raw material, and in the Norwegian textile tradition. Norway has a thriving textile industry and several strong companies that produce products made of wool. The marketing of the origin of the raw material these products are produced from is however rather inadequate and sometimes misleading. While fewer and fewer of the products are made of Norwegian wool, consumers – not without reason – take it for granted that Norwegian producers use Norwegian wool.

The project is funded by the Norwegian Research Council and led by SIFO. The project partners include representatives from the entire value chain – from agricultural organizations, industry and commerce, and design and consumption. This report is one of many publications in the project and makes visible the challenges that exist in the value chain, but also the great potential that is there.

Click here to read the full report (