The way forward for WOOLUME


This note looks at knowledge transference between a country of high wool utilisation (Norway) and a country of low wool utilisation (Poland). The findings that are presented here, are collected through semi-structured interviews, via Zoom, in person and also with one written response. All interviewees were project partners. Economics and scale are important themes, especially for moving forward with better use of local wool. As identified in other projects, things need to happen in the right order and there must be an economic fundament that ensures a professionalism and not that what one does is done on a hobby basis. The skills gap is an important issue if there is to be a future for the wool industry in Europe, and this must be addressed at national and EU level, this is not something a project or industry can fix on their own.

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The way forward for WOOLUME


This note looks at knowledge transference between a country of high wool utilisation (Norway) and a country of low wool utilisation (Poland). The findings that are presented here, are collected through semi-structured interviews, via Zoom, in person and also with one written response. All interviewees were project partners. Economics and scale are important themes, especially for moving forward with better use of local wool. As identified in other projects, things need to happen in the right order and there must be an economic fundament that ensures a professionalism and not that what one does is done on a hobby basis. The skills gap is an important issue if there is to be a future for the wool industry in Europe, and this must be addressed at national and EU level, this is not something a project or industry can fix on their own.

Click here to read the full report.

Want Not, Waste Not: Preliminary findings

Author: Anna Schytte Sigaard


This project note presents preliminary findings from a PhD project looking into textile waste from Norwegian households. 28 households collected textiles that they would have otherwise discarded for a period of six months. The textiles were collected by the PhD candidate during visits to the households where qualitative interviews were carried out. Then, all textiles were registered along with information from the interviews. The findings indicate that most of the discarded textiles are clothes and shoes. However, when broken down into textile categories, household textiles represent the largest group of discarded textiles. In addition, findings show that about one third of the collected textiles were in a very good condition, either like new or with only minor changes. The fiber content of the textiles corresponded with the preliminary findings from work package 2 in Wasted Textiles, as there was an equal distribution between 100% synthetic textiles, 100% non-synthetic textiles and textiles containing a mix of these. It was also found that the largest group of users were adult women, especially when looking at number of textiles discarded. If weight was applied instead, the difference between the genders evened out more. As these findings are preliminary, it is too early to provide any hard conclusions. Instead, the project note is meant to grant insights into the kind of data that will eventually be available and shared with the project group.

Click here to read the full project note.

Forbruk og det grønne skiftet

Ingun Grimstad Klepp, Kirsi Laitala, Torvald Tangeland, Harald Throne Holst, Gunnar Vittersø, Marie Hebrok, Nina Heidenstrøm og Hanne Torjussen


Dette er ett av fire notater utarbeidet på oppdrag fra Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet som underlag i arbeidet med en ny NOU om forbrukerpolitikk. Notatet er skrevet i samarbeid med kolleger på Forbruksforskningsinstituttet SIFO ved OsloMet. De fire notatene omhandler henholdsvis Forbruk og det grønne skiftet Forbrukernes digitale hverdag Forbrukernes utfordringer i dagligvaremarkedet Bolig i et forbrukerperspektiv Det sistnevnte notatet er utarbeidet ved NIBR ved OsloMet i samarbeid med SIFO.

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Reading into Norwegian Wool


Denne bibliografien skal gi leseren en oversikt over litteratur om norsk ull. Den legger vekt på ny litteratur, fokuserer på klestekstiler, og inkluderer kilder skrevet på både norsk og engelsk. Denne forskningen ble gjennomført som en del av prosjektet Valuing Norwegian Wool initiert av Statens institutt for forbruksforskning (SIFO) i samarbeid med Nordic Initiative, Clean and Ethical (NICE) for å skape oppmerksomhet rundt, og generere kunnskap om norsk ull som en bærekraftig, etisk, og verdifull naturressurs. Tilknyttede prosjekter Ull

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