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Comparing Male and Female Wardrobes: Gender Dynamics in the Practice of Dressing
Authors: Vilde Haugrønning, Ingrid Haugsrud Abstract This chapter explores the influence of gender on clothing consumption and the impact on differences in clothing volumes between men and women. Based on a qualitative and quantitative wardrobe study, we employ Schatzki’s (2002) social ontology of practice combined with Butler’s (1990) gender performance concept to examine the relationship between gender and…
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Overcoming barriers for «strong» sustainable consumption policy: the case of the Amsterdam Doughnut
Forfatter: Irene Maldini Abstrakt This case study of the Amsterdam Doughnut highlights how barriers for “strong” sustainable consumption policy pinpointed in the literature were to some extent overcome in the city policy of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in the period of 2018–23. The study builds on interviews conducted in 2020 and 2023 with key stakeholders…
Clothing Care – The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability in Fashion
Forfattere: Ingrid Haugsrud, Ingun Grimstad Klepp and Kirsi Laitala Abstract The impact of the fashion industry on the environment is undoubtedly size-able. In response, the last decade has seen various changes in the fashion industry landscape, from new digital technologies that enhance zero waste productions, the emergence of the digital platform economy, to the…
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Decentering Durability: Decarbonizing and Decolonizing Ideas and Practices of Long-Lasting Clothes
Authors: Kate Fletcher and Anna Fitzpatrick Abstract Durability is widely recognized as a key feature of materially resource-ful, lower-carbon clothing lives. Yet most of what is known about long-lasting garments is rooted in Euro-American ways of thinking, andreproduces its structures, priorities, values and resulting actions. Thispaper brings a decolonial concern to understandings of clothing…
Holding on or letting go: Conflicting narratives of product longevity
Forfattere: Lisbeth Løvbak Berg, Marie Hebrok Abstract Increasing product longevity is seen as an effective way to reduce consumption within the circular economy. This paper explores narratives of product longevity, focusing on textiles, household appliances, and furniture as expressed by Norwegian business representatives and consumers. The study reveals dominant narratives of physical and emotional…
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Å forestille seg framtid(er): Utvinnelse av framstillinger av bærekraftig forbruk
Studien handler om å utvinne fortiden for bedre å forstå hvordan vi forestiller oss og former fremtiden. Prosjektnotatet er en leveranse fra arbeidspakke 1: «Mine» i forskningsprosjektet IMAGINE: Contested Futures of Sustainability. Arbeidspakkens formål er å konstruere et konseptuelt rammeverk basert på Paul Ricoeurs studie av forestillinger, og å samle data om fortidens imaginære…
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