Welcome to Raajah!

Raajah is a database listing articles in open-access online media that contain articulations about who shall be allowed to enter the Sámediggi Electoral Rolls and/or who can be considered a Sámi. The Sámi is the indigenous people of Finland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden. The Sámediggis are the representative organs of the Sámi in Finland, Norway, and Sweden.

To navigate the database, please use the search words in the right column listed under Categories. The search words indicate (among other things) what criteria for Sáminess or electoral roll membership are discussed in the text, what language the text linked to is written in, when the text was published, and what states are discussed in the text.

Want to contribute to this database? Please send article links to the admin (mikkel.berg-nordlie  AT  nibr.hioa.no). For articles in languages other than the following, please include a brief description of the content: North Sámi, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, English, German.

Raajah is created as part of The Borders of Sámi Politics (SÁMPOLRÁJ, 2016-2019), a research project about insider positions and outsider positions in modern Sámi politics. SÁMPOLRÁJ is funded by the Programme for Sámi Studies of the Norwegian Research Council. Raajah means “borders” in the South Sámi language.

Participants in SÁMPOLRÁJ include Jo Saglie (project leader, Institute for Social Resarch, Sámi University College), Johannes Bergh (Institute for Social Research), Mikkel Berg-Nordlie (NIBR Institute of  Oslo and Akershus University College), Stefan Dahlberg (University of Gothenburg, University of Bergen), Ulf Mörkenstam (University of Stockholm), Ragnhild Nilsson (University of Stockholm), Torunn Pettersen (Sámi University College), Per Selle (University of Bergen, Arctic University of Norway), Eli Skogerbø (University of Oslo), Kristin Strømsnes (University of Bergen).


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